Sunday, June 10, 2012

Life goes on they say

My dear reader, I am writing this piece especially for you so please take a minute to ponder on these words no matter how heart breaking they are there is a take away in there for some of you.

We get up every morning reminded of the hustle around us sometimes we barely manage to get 5 hours of sleep cause of loud generating sets, mosquitoes, heat or just stress.

We manage to put ourselves together and often times without a bite to eat set out as early as 5 in the morning to beat the 3rd mainland traffic.
While driving, you have enough time to think about your finances, your challenges, that presentation, Your achievements maybe or just that one thing you haven’t been able to get right.

Life everyday is a hustle to achieve greatness, wealth, happiness, comfort and for the wise heaven.

Every now and then I wonder why we have to hustle so much when we can`t even take 1 naira when we depart this earth. Vanity upon vanity Solomon said is all vanity.

I was sitting on the couch last Sunday thinking about my finances, the CF20 event and my next big break, when I got a message on my blackberry saying that a Dana Flight had just crashed into a residential building in Iju. I was shocked and devastated, all I could think of was who were the victims on that flight?

Sadly all the passengers and crew members died. Hours later the manifest was made public and the horror became personal. I saw names of people known to my friends and even had a personal loss but nothing struck the world like the calamity and horror of having 9 members of a family on that flight.

The Ayene`s had flown in from the Unites States bringing their kids home for the first time to attend the wedding ceremony of a close family and
Unfortunately met their untimely deaths in a manner that traumatized an entire nation.

I woke up everyday wondering how much grief the victims’ families were going through till I saw this Picture and realized that the world is full of mysteries.

I have concluded that nothing and no one is worth dying for if life can go on barely
One week after the demise of Maimuna and her family.

I am still in shock!

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