Is love an emotional trap? is it an emotional state of weakness? is it a blinding disease that affects your heart, body and mind? is it a sweet but eventual tragedy
We always talk about true love, our first love, our love life, our dream love and all that blah!
It`s often a wonder how each time we fall in love it`s usually magical and we often believe we just
found our happy ending till something happens and spins us back into reality again.
Is love just a dream? a space in time when your hormones run wild and blinds you to the world around. when suddenly a bow legged guy with no front teeth becomes your knight in shiny armor? how is it that love is blind? is love deceitful? or are we yet to understand that emotion
This article is inspired by a series of heart breaks that seemed to want to take my sanity and leave me for dead. I say it like it`s nothing but trust me as sweet as love is, nothing can be compared to heart break! not even labor yeah not even that agonizing contraction that lasts for hours after which the sound of new life is celebrated.
Heart break comes like a cold sharp piercing sword, it strikes you down and drains the color from you. Suddenly, nothing is fun and life seems to pass you by. No one stops, nothing stops, nature goes on but you remain frozen in time while life goes on. it`s safe to say, you wither and die slowly
Heart break is for the strong and not the fickle....Love then, is for the bold and daring cause it has no mercy and could flip around and bash you in.
The world can handle lust and infatuation cause it makes no demands. No commitments, no strings, no emotional liaison NOTHING! but love, makes demands after taking you to the moon but none can truly meet her demands. aint that such a bummer!
Why do we fall in love?
Once our eyes and senses perceive that which we have imagined and desired, i guess our hearts go for it taking the rest of our senses along
I always wanted to marry the man that made me a woman.... alas!! that did not happen
I remember he made me a promise....... I will make you the envy of all women.... i guess that promise was not his to keep
I believe the first man to break my heart was my dad! but he since made it up and told me how relationships come with their fair share of heart aches and breaks. He was right, i have had 3 major relationships and all have thought me one thing
Love hurts
Does love, love me?
I say yes! cause every time i still wish on the stars believing that cupid still has an arrow for me
your heart.
Love is the key to every heart no wonder the bible says to guide your heart with all diligence cos out of it comes the issues of life
The mistake we often make is to expect that Love comes with 100% guarantees
nah. nothing is promised, someone is made available for the ride that`s all
Must it end in marriage? hopefully that is our goal but not all will end that way
Not all seeds get to grow, some do but die, some grow and get uprooted same as love
we all love the feeling of being in love and having only happy moments but that phase is for kids, love is the exam you face when the grass is no longer green. Most people fail! forget VOWS
Not everyone is an ideal lover always remember this. Most people believe the grass is greener on the other side so they hurt you in a bid to find out. sometimes you assumed you were both in love till you find out it was just you that felt that way.
In summary, heart break is not defined as the painful end of a relationship. it is the devastation of a promise broken by a trusted and cherished partner, lover, friend, whatever
Many married people are heart broken too. Fancy finding out your new groom or bride is cheating or your marriage is ending after 40 years
Is the end of love pain?
Just my thoughts
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