Thursday, April 14, 2011

Must have`s for the today`s woman

Apple ipads
Some maynot even know how to work this gadget cos you see some chics with ipads in the club these days.
This gadget is best used by people who have serious stuff to do.

The Blackberry Torch
If you aren`t on Bb you are considered ignorant

The Androids
Just making an enrty into the scene.Look out bb some1 else is coming to outshine ur swag!

Designer shoes
These days chics love to have a collection. Its nice to say you are wearing Gucci shoes on the red carpet.

Brazillian Hair
This is the Queen of the swag parade.If you dont have this weave,your swag isn`t comlete.
for most girls its a way of showing ur a diva

Designer Bags
Even if all you put in it is change.It looks good on the table,very intimidating and helps to let them small players know you aint on their level.

These are some of the things we see everyday in our soceity amongs the ladies. Don`t you agree?

Most definately the most important
A man who drives nothing smaller than this!
You shouldn`t go through all that trouble and end up on a bike.

Sometimes i wonder what happened to getting a degree or an MSC?
Starting a business with a group of friends and all and
eventually working your way to the top.
Its nice to look all divalicious and expensive but babes if
you cant pay for it you propably don`t need it!

1 comment:

  1. i so agree..........must haves for every
