Miss Sandra Olatokunbo Ajayi CEO Enigma is a German born
Nigerian. I have an LL.B from the Ambrose Alli University and a diploma from New York film academy; I am
a member of the Nigerian Bar Association and the Nigerian Institute of
marketers. I also have 8 years media and events marketing experience
It starts with a clear picture in your mind of what you would
want to spend the rest of your life doing.
I took a pen and wrote this down
“Someday i will be a role model to young achievers via my numerous platforms”
Then i got out of bed and the journey began.
Enigma remains a mystery to me simply because we keep
evolving. We are a company set up to discover, equip and promote young creative
Every journey must start with a step and for us this step was
in November 2012 when we launched one of our show concepts.
Trust me it`s been challenging starting a career in show
business in the last 15 months from waking up at mid night to write down an idea or proposal, getting
up at 5am just to beat the 3rd mainland traffic, competing in a male
dominated industry, keeping late nights, avoiding bad and false press, dealing
with negative comments, lack of finances, constant power outages, i can go on and on.
However, Nigeria has a lot of raw talents and the sky is the limit if you know what you are doing. our industry is the most successful in the continent and i am proudly a part of it.
stop just because your vision irritates a few However, Nigeria has a lot of raw talents and the sky is the limit if you know what you are doing. our industry is the most successful in the continent and i am proudly a part of it.
people i have to deal with on a regular basis include established and notable artists, record labels, media houses, bands, rental companies, venue owners, sound engineers, production crews, on air personalities, brand managers, corporate executives, young show organizers, upcoming artists to name a few
With regards to competition i have carved a niche for my brand
so as to have a competitive advantage. There are other platforms but we have
our uniqueness.
Please write this down "it`s not always about what you know but also who you know" you are the chief marketing officer of your business so expand your contact base.
Please write this down "it`s not always about what you know but also who you know" you are the chief marketing officer of your business so expand your contact base.
People skills is very important in this business, every now
and then people will annoy you. Lateness to rehearsals, damage done to
equipments, breach from venue owners, arrogance from artist managers etc
I have lost it and blown over a couple of times then i realized
the secret is to get a manager to handle such things and just chill out. otherwise you are labelled the bitchy or bad boss.
Now i know that it`s not easy to run a company. It’s easy to
judge your boss for being disorganized or wreck less till you start a business
yourself. One thing I have learnt is to have a business plan and proper
accounting system
Some errors i would erase from my last few months include some
expenditure i made. It is wiser to invest than spend. I lost some money for no
good reason. starting small and gradually is better than trying to get there in one day.
It is also important to choose your team based on value
addition and not sentiments.
Paid employment vs entrepreneurship? i love being called boss
lady not just because it is cool but because it challenges me and gives me the
opportunity to develop others, create employment and meet a need on my own
My motivation is definitely not money. I love what i do and it
has kept me going this last year. Passion has fueled me
One show i won’t forget in a hurry is when we hosted Mike Anyasodo
and the rain came down but the people stayed behind regardless. It was an awesome night.
I have an awesome team who i can`t thank enough kells my
darling brother, Austin my best buddy, Kslim our dynamic hypeman, Rap Omega the
calm one and Mynz our Ghana based engine.
I can`t end this without saying a big thank you to Dele Momodu
who pointed me in this direction, Osaze Ebuekwu who read every single proposal
and gave me my first break, Abbey Ford who gave me my first venue, Olisa Adibua
who gave us hypes every week on The Beat Fm, Oby Anya friend for life, Mayowa
my darling of life, my mum who made time to visit my shows, my entire family, enemies as well. You all rock!
Don’t stop just because your vision irritates
a few it`s convenient to earn a constant pay every month but it is
commendable to pay someone else every month.
7 Tips from me to you
1. Do proper research about your business
2. Start small and grow gradually
3. Guard your ideas jealously
4. Never get too comfortable keep evolving
5. Write the vision down
6. Hire based on value addition not sentiments
7. Pray, pray and pray
7 Tips from me to you
1. Do proper research about your business
2. Start small and grow gradually
3. Guard your ideas jealously
4. Never get too comfortable keep evolving
5. Write the vision down
6. Hire based on value addition not sentiments
7. Pray, pray and pray
Entrepreneurship is worth it!
Ryan Seacrest and Cecil Hammond are my industry role models
Catch me on Linked In
Ryan Seacrest and Cecil Hammond are my industry role models
Catch me on Linked In